MapLink™ | Procedures | Off-Street Parking and Loading

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Off-Street Parking and Loading
No building or other permit shall be issued until plans and evidence are presented and approved by the Planning Board to show how the off-street parking and loading requirements are to be fulfilled and that property is and will be available for exclusive use as off-street parking and loading space. The subsequent use of the property for which the permit is issued shall be conditional upon the unqualified continuance and availability of the amount of parking and loading space required by this chapter.

Number of spaces required.
(1) In the event the applicant demonstrates to the Planning Board under the site plan approval process in Article V: Site Plan Approval that his initial needs for parking are less than that which is required, the Planning Board may permit such limited parking only if adequate space is reserved to implement such required parking at full development or at any future time.

See § 500-43: Off-street parking and loading for more information.

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